Thursday, July 1, 2010

it begins

So, I am beginning to blog. It seems its all the rage, but often I wonder why people want to put all their ideas out there on the internet for anyone to read.

Oh well, here it goes. I am in the middle of finding myself after many trials and tribulations. This is a diary and today is my first entry.

Did you know that "Nemo" in Latin means "nobody"? I guess that puts a damper on the Pixar movie in our fond memories. I am trying to find me, the me of my childhood, the me of my potential. Just like the wounded planet trashed and trampled by the endless capitalist drive for profit, I am trying to recover and grow some new, fresh shoots.

I've found myself to be unrecognizable. So I'm on the journey of finding nobody, turning it back into the somebody that has to be in there somewhere, and then getting the hell out of this Hades. I will probably just write some short stories, poems and other ways to creatively express myself. Blog entries (read: journal) will also be included at least a couple days a week.

Alright Nemo, don't keep slipping between my burning wet fingers!

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